Monday, July 15, 2013

Family of 4

I always think there will be more time to post pictures and little stories and then I find myself trying to catch up.  It's been a great few weeks as we adjust to being a family of 4.  We had more family in town visiting which is always nice and celebrated 4th of July with a few tame fireworks (we're talking poppers and sparklers - but given the neighbor's show, we might have to step it up next year).  Evan just liked staying up late I think:)
Alice is growing like crazy!  She looks different every day and is gradually increasing the time between her feedings at night which is to mommy and daddy's benefit. We're all loving her, even her big brother.  Evan always looks for her when he comes up from nap, or when he comes home from daycare.  He'll bring her a pacifier and looks for toys that she won't choke on - he brought me a huge bear the other day and told me, "see mommy, she can't choke on this."  If it helps keep his lego pieces away from her, I"ll take it.  

Roasting marshmallows for s'mores on 4th of July

Licking marshmallow off his hands - he didn't end up eating the whole thing.....

most likely b/c he wanted to get back to playing construction site - he's been moving dirt and landscaping rock around the premises for a while

Wouldn't be the 4th of July if we didn't let Evan stay up past his bedtime and walk around with lit fireworks.  He loved the sparklers!  And no one got burned.

Little miss Alice, awake!

Eating her hands

And in her favorite position - some nights Jake holds her like this for hours (can you blame him?)

Evan received his first new Lego set this week - he LOVED it!  He was so serious about following the plans with daddy.

End result - a super awesome fire truck.  You can tell he's doing his best fire truck wail here.

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