Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunny Days

Evan's loving the summer sun!  People keep asking if his hair is so white b/c of the sun, but no people, it's that way all year long:)  And yes, we're going to go through a case of sunscreen this summer to keep his translucent skin from burning.

He does love playing outside though.  Cousin Gracie is here visiting this week and the two of them got to play together outside Saturday night.  It took Evan a while to warm up, but once he did, they had a great time.  He of course wanted to show her all of his tricks with his toys, and watched carefully so that Grace got access to things, but not for too long.  Evan would swoop in as soon as she turned away from a toy to get his turn in.  Good thing Gracie is so flexible b/c this little guy has some room to grow in the sharing department:)

Playing with Grace

Wagon Ride

Cozy Coupe rides for everybody!!

Grace in the Cozy Coupe

Saying "Goodbye" is always hard - Evan's
watching Grace leave.

"Bye Bye Gracie..."

Zonked out, with his arm around a soccer ball.

Sunday was gorgeous, sprinkler time.

 I think we ran through the sprinkler 30 times!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Guy's Night

Adrienne had another to work trip Montreal this weekend and cousin Grayson came over to spend the night Saturday. We had a good time, just the boys. It was super-hot this weekend, and luckily some friends in the neighborhood had a pool & spinkler set up for us to enjoy. I wish I had brought the camera - they were in rare form. As always, the boys had a blast.

It's still pretty hard to photograph these two.. there a good photo here some where
It's definately not this one...

Not bad...

I think this one is my favorite.  

They both like very much when they have the same things.. notice how they each
have a truck with a trailer and a stuffed animal.

Up to no good and Evan's bed.

Despite the heat, we still got outside.

Then we beat the heat inside, watching cartoons and of course, they
BOTH had to wear slippers... even though it was 90 degrees outside.