Sunday, January 22, 2012


As Evan continues to talk more, we're coming across interesting situations where we're challenged to accurately interpret what he is saying.  Like when we had to figure out what he was saying that sounded a bit too much like a word that starts with "F" and rhymes with "truck."  Eventually, he put a visual with it and we determined it was his word for "frog."  We'll be sure to keep him away from any displays of frogs when in public until that word shapes up!

He continues to LOVE to snuggle up and read.  A LOT.   Here's a shot of him with daddy tonight (sorry for the dark photo).

And another situation where Evan's interpretation of something was pretty cute.  He saw this picture in a book he was reading with daddy tonight:

Evan pointed at the cow's udder and said, "sun!" - very confidently I might add! I guess if you look at it, it kind of resembles a sun:)

He's also become very interested in colors.  He gets really into a specific color and can't stop talking about it.  Today it was pink.  Yesterday I think it was orange.  And for some reason, white is every day.  Anything he sees that is white, he'll point at and shout, "white!"  And he always picks the white crayon. Why is this?  Anyone?

My favorite moment from the weekend happened Saturday.  Daddy was working hard in the basement, making a ton of noise during lunch, and Evan was so sleepy that he just crashed in his booster.  Head tilt and all.  He was actually snoring and doing the sleepy head jerk when I took this photo.
Notice the mac n cheese hanging off his chin?  Classy.

Hope everyone has a great week!

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