Saturday, October 4, 2014

Random September Events

Once again, I'm behind on my posts and want to get us caught up.  Things got crazy once mommy went back to work and Evan started pre-school.  But all in all, September was a great month.  Alice kept improving her walking and climbing skills and kept interfering with Evan's play plans.  Weekends were filled with soccer games, local festivals, bike rides, and lots of time outside.  We know it will be cold soon so we aren't taking the warmer weather for granted.  

Labor day weekend bike ride to the beach.  For some reason, we didn't pack swimsuits for the kids.  We were thinking more bike ride & dinner at the beach, and they were thinking more swimming. Let's just say it was a sandy wet ride home.

Sharing a morning snack in the back yard.

Alice loves bubbles.  It' was one of her first consistent words.  I'm not sure she can handle all three of these Fubbles tubes though.

A satisfied customer after a bike ride. 

Getting excited for another ride.  When we're playing outside, she will frequently try to find her helmet or goes to my bike (where her seat is) and shakes it and points, trying to go for a ride.

This was at Evan's soccer.  Evan had ridden his tricycle to the park for soccer and Alice took the opportunity, while Evan was busy, to take a ride.

More labor day fun.  Her clothes were such a mess from sidewalk paint, that I just took them off.  She clearly didn't mind.

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