Yes, we had our second baby last week. In a rather hasty fashion at that. Alice Caroline arrived Tuesday June 25, 2013 at 4:25 pm. Let's just say she'll have a story to tell about her birth. One that involved a very short labor for mommy at work (and maybe some denial that she was even in labor), followed by some good luck having daddy close to home that day, and some fast first responders. We needed some assistance getting to the hospital as things progressed extremely fast once we were in the car. And even though I'm sure Jacob could have handled it, neither of us wanted to have him deliver the baby on the side of the road. In the end, she was delivered by an OB, at the hospital. Just like we planned.
And she's perfect. Born at 5 lb, 10 oz, she's over her birth weight already - girl likes to eat. And Evan is taking well to her. He responds to her crying by getting her blankets, pacifiers, or toys. She's pretty boring to him yet, but they'll get there.
And we had some awesome help from family last week that allowed us to stay with Alice in the hospital and not worry about Evan. So thank you to our wonderful families! We couldn't have done it without you!
Here are a few pics (in no specific order) of our little girl and her proud big brother!
Snoozing at home. |
Evan playing at the park with grandma and grandpa - he got to hit up the splash pad that day too. He was in heaven! |
It's hard to read, but Evan's wearing a "big brother" sticker he got in a card. |
Checking out daddy in the hospital. |
Evan giving Alice a blankie. |
Evan checking out Alice for the first time - he was super quiet and unsure during this visit. |
Congrats! What a beautiful baby and what a cute big brother! Can't wait to meet her!
What a beautiful family! So glad you are all doing well, and we are looking forward to a Dominguez reunion soon!!