Sunday, March 17, 2013

Getting back in the swing of things.

I say this nervously, knowing that it may come back to kick me in a few days, but I think we're over the flu here.  Finally.  I had it for 5 days, then no one had it for a few days, then Evan got it for 5 days, then I got it back for 4 more days.  It was awful.  Not just for the 2 of us who were sick, but for poor Jacob who had to witness it all and take care of everything while I was down.  He did amazing of course, and now he is definitely Evan's favorite (I don't get asked to play vehicles or blocks right now unless I'm the only one home).  But I can deal.  
I finally got to help clean the house and cook meals (that I actually ate!) this weekend, and I think we're back on track.  Now if we can just hold it off.....
Otherwise Evan is doing great!  He continues to blow us away with silly things he comes up with, he's rockin the potty training (I was amazed by how much we were saving already having not purchased diapers in about 2 months!), and he's excited about his new sibling to come this summer.  When asked if he thinks it's a boy or a girl, he nearly always replies, "I think it's a baby."  He is still working to identify toys he will and will not share with the baby and frequently pulls out bins of baby toys and talks about how the baby will like each one.  And in a few weeks, we hope to move him to his new big boy room.  We're sad because he will be on a different floor from us for the first time, but we're having fun putting together a room that we know he'll love. Don't judge if I end up reporting that Jake and I slept in the family room on his first few nights just to be close to the little guy.  

Loving playdough play.

He built this tower by himself and it almost made it to his height....

Before he kicked it down....

And then had to pull out the pay loader to clean things up.  It's how he rolls.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!!!! We are so happy for you guys! Hope you are feeling good! xo
