I actually started writing this post last Sunday. If that's any indication of how busy things have been.... and now I'll try to post the pictures we took last weekend before we fall into another weekend. And I'm not complaining about another weekend. And this coming weekend promises to serve up a date night and possibly some sunshine, so no, I'm definitely not complaining. Evan asks every morning if it's the weekend. He wants to know if he gets to stay in his pjs all morning and eat pancakes or waffles in the morning (this trend of big weekend breakfasts might have to come to a close after pregnancy, but for now he's loving it, and maybe mommy and daddy are loving it too!)
With limited engagements last weekend, we were able to spend a lot of time together and a lot of time outside. Even though it was starting to feel like it would never stop raining this past week, we were able to make the most of every minute outside that we could last weekend. And Evan was loving it! We hit a few parks, played in the yard, he rode his tricycle, and he loved helping mom and dad plant more flowers in the yard. It's so cute to watch him because he wants so much to participate in every step. And hearing him say the word "fertilizer" is a kill. Maybe he'll be a gardner in the future?
And Evan got to go to a live version of the Choo Choo Bob Show Saturday. It was a loud event and if you've met Evan, you know that he's not the most outgoing little guy at new events. Once he warms up he can't stop talking and acting silly, but he can be shy to start. This was no different, except at one point, he was sitting in my lap so he could see better, and he cuddled up (best he could - the belly gets in the way these days), and next thing I know, our friend leans over and says, "he's asleep." It was so precious I couldn't interrupt. There was a live band folks. Hundreds of kids. And Evan fell asleep. It was only a 10-15 minute nap, and then he woke up and asked if we could go to the park, but it was priceless. Wish I had a photo.
Not afraid to get his hands dirty. |
He wanted to keep digging. He'd dig up the whole yard if we let him. |
I wish I could remember what he calls the fertilizer. |
This was one of my favorite - he would grab a handful of mulch and just sort of toss it towards the beds. |
Hitching a ride back to the garage. Typically he wants to pull the wagon everywhere but I think this load got just a little too heavy. |