Evan's been loving up the snow these past few weeks. We had new snow to shovel almost every day last week and Evan would come home from daycare asking to shovel. The productivity of his shoveling varies from drawing patterns in the driveway with his shovel, up to actually clearing the stairs or patio. But if it's warm enough, he wants to be out there. We're not going to argue. We're also going to hang on to all of the photos of him shoveling and smiling while he's 2 so we can bring them out when he complains about it when he's 16.
Here's a cute
VIDEO of Evan laughing at a game on the iPad. He's laughing at "Mr. Bubbles."
Evan got to go sledding this weekend. |
He enjoys carrying around snowballs and threatening to chuck them at you. |
"Can you cover me with some snow Daddy?" |