Nope. Never a dull moment around the Turzynski house. Evan's vocabulary continues to explode. He likes to ask a million questions, some of which are those that are just pointing out the obvious. I wish I could include a clip of him here so you could hear his intonation, because he lifts his voice up higher, just so, when asking these questions that it makes us giggle. A lot. Probably too much. Like when Jacob came home from work one night, and had happened to stop off at the liquor store for a 6-pack. Evan sees him and asks, "You got beer?" Who knows what he'll ask next.
It's been a busy few weeks, with a trip to the state fair, a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Turzynski, lots of fun days/evenings with friends, and today a trip to a local festival. It's been fun to watch Evan adapt to each activity and be himself. Tonight he was cruising the kiddie games at the festival and was really shy at first - then after a few, he was walking right up to the game vendors to hand over his ticket and play so he could get a prize. Too cute!
Here are a few shots from the last few weeks:
Favorite activity at the State Fair - sitting on every. single. tractor. |
Nice smiley Evan. |
Ridiculously over the top smiley Evan. |
He would have driven off in this one, if they'd just left the key in it. |
I don't know what he's doing here.... |
In one of his question-asking modes, he asked to see a peach from the fruit bowl. Then, before I could cut it up (because I haven't let go of cutting everything up for him), he bit into it - he ate the whole thing. Seriously, no peach flesh left. Just the pit. |
Showing off a playdough sandwich he made. He LOVES playdough! |
Cruising at the local festival. |
Despite his very serious face, he seems to love the kiddie rides. |