Anyone who read the previous post knows that Evan has started crawling! While VERY excited about this (we've been working very hard, pestering him by placing his toys away from him, watching him quickly decide that moving isn't THAT exciting and that he has 2 feet that he can play with, why would he need to crawl to get that lame toy?), we've also quickly realized how much this changes everything! No more, 'he's got plenty to keep him busy, I'll just run over and finish the dishes' - this kid has places to go! I think it was most fun to watch how confident he became with his new found freedom. He was zipping all over, crawling into cabinets (Jake put new latches on them today), looking through books and laughing at the pictures, trying to pull himself up on mommy and daddy. We tried to capture a bit of his adventures today with pictures and video. Enjoy!
Here is a
VIDEO of Evan's adventures.
This shot is of Evan in the dining room. He normally doesn't play in the dining room. But he crawled over and thought it was awesome! Check out his ultra cool Darth Vader t-shirt and the mess he left behind him! |
Getting into the BabiesRUs bag...we should teach him how to use that bottle brush next! |
He loves this little walker toy - today he was more into playing with the front of it.... |
and pushing it around.... |
and taking it apart. |
Not looking too sleepy:) |
Here he's taken everything out of his daycare backpack and is reading his daily log book - probably trying to take out any bad notes from his teachers - ha! |
Cuddling with daddy - too sweet to leave out. |
Mauling Darth Vader himself. |
And while we were busy playing, taking pictures and blogging, the snow piled up. This is what we get for waiting until 7:00 to even attempt shoveling. Staying home tomorrow! |